TESTIMONIAL "there are no words literally for the pure value of what you do for us all ...you are awesome "
Get Personally Trained From The World's #1 Flow State Coach.
Hi, I’m Wilson Meloncelli.
I’ve been coaching the flow state for over 25 years to professional athletes, business professionals, world class artists and musicians, to make them better…
I’ve also been coaching the “unsung heroes in the world”. The real everyday men and women who just want the best version of themselves, without internal or external obstacles blocking their success in life.
What I want to share with you today... is that education and training on how to improve your skills, sport or profession is changing.
If you have ever done a boring training course, whether it is online, in school or in college, and you had the sense that you “gotta do this”
but it was so boring…
Or perhaps you thought something like this:
“It’s not relevant to me.”
“I don’t have time for it.”
“It's not personal to what I need.”
Well… all of that can STOP for you today.
I have created something that will change it all...
An online coaching platform that will “tool you up” for precisely for what you need. This really is the most personal coaching program on the market today.
The courses and training you can have access to today are focused on training you towards accessing the flow state on command. And just like the flow state, these training courses are evolving and growing monthly.
They are available to you 24/7 via your desktop, phone or tablet.
All my training lessons are relevant to solving the problems we all face today:
Having No Time
Feeling Self Conscious
Feeling Tired or Lacking Energy
Not Living Up to Our Own Expectations.
Learning a warrior's harmony in these areas will result in success.
How is this done?
Everything in the courses points towards building your familiarity with the flow state.
But you have a additional secret weapon inside…
You get full ACCESS TO ME and my heart rate varability coaching platfrom, where I can track, monitor and adapt your training in real time... This is the ultimate personal flow state coaching
HRV will tell us exactly what YOU need and when you need it. Together, we will discover exactly what training, exercises, work, sleep and nutrition you need to improve your skills to
align with – you guessed it – the flow state.
Let me ask you:
Do you want to master your own time?
Do you want to be less self-conscious, less fearful?
Do you want to stop feeling so tired and run down all the time, and reignite those deflated energy levels?
Do you want to accelerate your learning?
Do you want to have a competitive edge?
Or do you just want to be better than you are right now?
If so, then the way you exercise, rest, eat, train and perform your skill, sport or profession have to change…
The ONE thing I can say with complete certainty.
The ONE thing that has allowed me be to build my success in my skills, life, health and well-being, is the skills I have developed that allow me to access the flow state on command.
What's inside the coaching ?
You will learn to have:
Clear goals
Strong concentration and focus
Master your own time
Accelerate your learning speed
Be fearless
You will learn:
To regain control over your life and watch doubts dissolve away, as you move forward.
And most importantly:
You will learn NOT ONLY to get into the flow state and improve your skill, sport or profession BUT you will also learn to live in the flow state.
All this will be given to you in an exciting, enjoyable and productive way.
"thank you my friend there are no words literally for the pure value of what you do for us all ...you are awesome "
"If you are looking for another level of meditation, to benefit your life in any regard, trust me when I tell ya, Wilson is your man."
"It’s how I became the course record holder at the oldest golf course in the world."
"I've take 1.5 secs off my best time. I'm now skiing better than I have done my whole life."
"What Wilson is doing is actually revolutionary. It’s something that will change your mind and change your ideas and it will come out in your exercise and your everyday life.”
My online coaching program has your time and success as my NUMBER 1 priority.
This revolutionary coaching system is designed for one thing:
To ensure you have all you need to enter the flow state.
You are equipped with every tool you need to successfully enter the flow state and boost your performance in your skill, sport or profession.
With an astonishing library of videos, ebooks and with my personal HRV monitoring and coaching,
you are guaranteed to boost performance, confidence and of course your ability to access the flow state on command.
The training library is fully accessible to you 24/7 online, on demand, via your phone, tablet or computer.
You will have precision training, personally designed by myself, along with ongoing adjustment to your training with the data acquired through your HRV scores.
Plus… you and I will have regular calls so to keep you focused on your goal.
Pursue your potential and enroll today.
Thanks you so much for visiting my site and listening to this video.
I hope you take advantage of my offer today and I personally guarantee you that this will work for you.
If you want to achieve life-changing results in your, sport, skill or profession, and all you have to do is simply add a few tailored exercises into a daily routine, then what’s stopping you?
You’re here for a reason. You know that you want to get the edge, that you want to be your true self, no matter what obstacle you are facing. It’s time to make that a reality..
Don’t forget, you’re backed by my personal guarantee…
Elite Flow Chain comes with a 60-day money back guarantee on either payment option. You truly have nothing to lose. Don’t wait any longer.
I’d hate for you to click away and never come back... only to fast forward a month, a year, or even three years from now and to look back with regret. Also remember, this group WILL be close very soon.
You got questions? I've got the answers
So what is Elite Flow Chain Group?
My unique form of flow state training has been developed from scientific studies, psychology, and ancient and modern techniques to induce the flow state. The aim is for you to develop a strong familiarity with the state of flow. This is achieved through creating flow experiences through physical and mental training, allowing you to become like a magnet of flow. Elite Flow Chain is the ultimate coaching program towards living a live in flow.
What is the purpose of the Elite Flow Chain practice?
The aim is to get you into a state of flow, and have flow as your new set point. The point where you live and move. This is achieved through a creating a daily personalised routine, that I will design specifically for you. I am 100% dedicated to pointing you towards that destination, so you can align your life to a 300%-500% boost in performance.
Can anyone do these exercises?
Yes, anyone can do the meditations. However, with the physical meditations, they do need a certain level of fitness. The good news is that once you join, I personally create your very own flow state program, specifically to your personal requirements.
How long before I notice results?
It depends how consistent you are with the program. These exercises are very strong and a lot of people report an immediate change in state. For athletes, the results can take more time to sink in. We find it takes around four weeks to notice a difference.
How can I record my progress?
We will use the HRV coaching platform to record your progress . However, you will notice a huge difference in your mental and physical clarity within a few days. This freshness, alertness, presence and sense of flow will be your strongest indicator of personal development.
What if it doesn’t work for me?
If you don’t notice a difference, just send me an email and I’ll be more than happy to issue you a refund. No questions, no hassles.
Who are you and how did you discover this method hacking the flow state?
I have been teaching flow for over 25 years and accumulated my knowledge through martial arts, where I am an instructor in Jeet Kune Do, Filipino martial arts, Muay Thai and silat, and I was the British MMA champion in 2001. I also trained and worked as a stuntman for around 10 years. Simultaneously, I worked as a personal trainer, specialising in neuro linguistic programing to help in physical fitness. With the assistance of my teacher, I began to reverse engineer how I personally accessed the flow state during my career, and created this successful method of hacking the flow state.
How long does it take for me to get the program?
From about 10 seconds to a few minutes. After you purchase, you’ll get instant access to the entire Elite Flow Chain training program. You can create your login details and start working on hacking the flow state straight away. Nothing is shipped in the mail, so you don’t have to wait through any long fulfilment process for your program.
Are my credit card and personal information safe?
100%. When you click the “Buy Now” button, you’ll be taken to Clickbank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Who is Clickbank?
Clickbank is a global platform where digital product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence for all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s strict approval process ensures only high-quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Can I use PayPal to check out?
Yes. You can securely purchase Elite flow chain using your PayPal account or any major debit or credit card.
Will I be billed more than once?
Monthly, yes you will be rebilled. 1 time payment, is one time billed.
When you click on the payment link, you are redirected to Clickbank, where payments are made through. You’ll be redirected to their site to make a secure, on-line payment via credit card or PayPal. Your credit card statement will reflect a payment to CLCKBNK*COM. for $79 on a monthly bases until cancelled.
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